Marketing & Sponsorship

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Marketing & Communications :

The Chamber E-Newsletter is your main go-to communication resource! It's highlycurated and targeted to keep you and your fellow business owners in the knowabout the most important local, state, and national topics. Reaching over 3,700 email users, your message will be sent to business owners,industry leaders, and consumers.
Below are 3 excellent opportunities to become a part of our weekly E-Newsletter:(Required)
Educational and informative in tone, your blurb will contain approximately 150 words + image. You can hyperlink the blub to a flyer or website. The content for this eblast will beprovided by you or your staff with editorial support from the Chamber.
Let our audience know about your incredible products and services with an E-NewsletterBanner Ad. This ad will be designed by you or your staff. It'll have minimal text and richerphoto content - approximately 50 words or less with the dimensions of 740 x 260 pixels.For added value, you can hyperlink the ad to a flyer or company website.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
This solo eblast will have all eyes on you and consists of up to 500 words and multipleimages. It can be linked to a flyer and company website. The content for this eblast will beprovided by you or your staff with editorial support from the Chamber.

Web & Social Media:

The Chamber's Web and Social Media channels provide excellent opportunities foryou to share your products and services with our thousands of social mediafollowers. We have several platforms available, including - Facebook, LinkedIn,Instagram, and Twitter. Our staff will connect you with the best platform forshowcasing your unique brand message.
Upon Availability
Highlight your company by having your logo placed in a Premium position on our NEWCulver City Chamber website. Our website is visited by thousands of people all across theWestside! Placement will elevate your company's branding by having your logo on both ourcomputer & mobile sites.
  • Static Web Ads - $200 for 1 month | $1,000 for 6 months | $1,800 for year
  • Rotating Web Ads - $100 for 1 month | $500 for 6 months | $900 for year
  • Investor - $2,000 for 6 months | $3,500 for year
  • Middle of Page - $750 for quarterly | $1,300 for 6 months | $2,500 for year
  • Standard - $300 for quarterly | $500 for 6 months | $1,000 for year
Days Vary
Promote your business on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin accounts to ourthousands of followers. This is an excellent way to communicate with our followers, whowill then engage with the extended online community. Send us your artwork and caption topromote your business and expand your digital presence. NOTE: Boosted Posts are PaidSocial Media Posts that are advertised directly to your target audience based ondemographics and interest.
A monthly digital n ewsletter from our President & CEO, Colin Diaz, ColinResponse that'smore than a play on his name. This video newsletter serves as a direct path to the businesscommunity and is used to update the business membership on the latest “must-knows,”gives timely & relevant information from the perspective of the CEO, and routinely has acall-to-action that'll positively impact the business community. Sponsors have theopportunity to co-brand the monthly newsletter, as well as the opportunity to appear on avideo as a guest or resident expert.

Sponsorship Opportunities :

Throughout the year, the Chamber holds various industry-centric, solution-orientedseminars and webinars with amazing S ponsorship Opportunities. These topicsrange from business size and scope trends and trajectories as well as pain points,solutions, and resources. Sponsorship in any of these programs could include but isnot limited to web, logo, and email recognition, panel participation, and/orpresenting privileges. Inquire with our staff to see which events are on this year'scalendar.
3rd Wednesday of the Month
Sponsoring our virtual morning mixer allows you to connect directly with your targetaudience. Conveniently held via Zoom every 3rd Wednesday of the month. Your businesswill be spotlighted prior to the mixer through our E-Newsletters. During the mixer, thefloor is yours for 10 minutes. Showcase your business, brand, and services to localbusinesses and chamber members. Follow up with attendees post the mixer, by receivingan exclusive business hot-sheet of contacts that attended.
Sponsor our Board of Directors Meeting. Conveniently held monthly via Zoom. The floor isyours for 10 minutes. Showcase your business, brand, and services to the Chamber Boardof Directors- which is comprised of Culver City Business leaders & trailblazers.
The Culver City Chamber of Commerce places a strong role in advocating forthe economic vitality of the region. Annually, that culminates with a CEO-ledtrip to the State Capitol where there are meetings with key legislatures anddiscussions about the issues that impact our business community the most. Due to COVID, this Summit has been canceled. In its place, we will be holdinga week-long Virtual Capitol Summit where we will hold some of the samemeetings, as well as ones with other local officials. Sponsorship here canposition you directly in front of those officials and may even lead up to anopportunity to facilitate a paneled conversation during the Summit. Space islimited for sponsorship, as is available on a first-come-first reserve basis.

Education and enrichment, or seminar/sponsorship. Examples: Issues & Insights, SpeakerSeries.

Marquee Event Sponsorship:

Marquee Events are premiere Chamber events that take place throughout the year.You'll have the opportunity to have your logo front and center during our mostattended events. Reach out for more information on how you can be part of ourincredible marquee events and programming.
Annually held in the 1st quarter of the year, the Installation Gala &Recognition Ceremony is an official swearing-in of the Board coupled withrecognition of several Chamber members that have gone above and beyond tomake a significant impact in our community and the business community.Sponsorship of this event is likely to put you in front of the Chamber’s Boardof Directors, Elected Officials, and the movers and shakers of our community.Staff will be able to assist you in identifying the best placement for yourbusiness.
Presented by the Women in Business Council, this annual event serves as the recognitionevent of those female leaders shaping Culver City. We've hosted this event for 5consecutive years, and each year has seen growth in attendance, reach and scope.Sponsorship in this event puts your company in front of hundreds of attendees in anincreasingly popular and regionally recognized event. Don't miss your opportunity tosecure your participation in this incredibly inspiring event.
With the rapidly changing conditions of the business economy, the timely EconomicOutlook annually highlights what the next couple of months are likely to bring on a local,regional, and national level. This event cast the most extensive following related tomarketing because the economic landscape and forecast have continually been valuable forpeople of all industries and local. Sponsorship can range from naming rights andpresentation opportunities to signage and marketing inclusion. Inquire with staff today toreserve your spot. Marquee Events are premiere Chamber events that take place throughout the year.You'll have the opportunity to have your logo front and center during our mostattended events. Reach out for more information on how you can be part of ourincredible marquee events and programming


See multiple opportunities that you'd love to participate in - and position your business at the forefront?
Ask our staff about Bundled Sponsorship. We're happy to connect and work with your specific business goals and target audience. We'll put together a customized package unique to you and your company. Bundle Package is the best way to maximize your reach and minimize your sponsorship cost. Let us know today if you'd like to schedule an appointment with staff.

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